Non-productive productivity

Posted on Apr 27, 2024

See, the goal of this place is to collect and express everything I would like to do in life.

Just never anything with the point of making money. It has to be just because I would like to try or earn something. First of all, there will be a lot of work just getting this blog to work in the way I would like.

This blog is written in org mode in EMACS and then built by Hugo. At first, it will be pulled manually to a git repository on my web server, then built by Hugo, then the content is copied manually to the served folder, but I'm thinking about different ways of making that work. Should I deploy it automatically from Gitlab the whole way? Or should I just make sure that the content folder under Hugo's supervision is synced in some way to the web server? How do I make sure that no old files are just lying around if I decide to remove a post? Should the web server directory always be wiped before I copy in new files?

I also have lots to do when it comes to designing this page. It doesn't look like I want. It doesn't work like I want. Most of all, I don't know if it should be presented as a narrative, a classic blog, and how I should handle updates to projects and ideas. Update the original post? Make several? We shall see.

But my first project will actually be something else.